Which Artistic Style is #tru2u?

Posted by Benjamin Strusnik on

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Abigail Pfriem

Photo – check. Medium – selected. Time for your next decision… Artistic Style! This important decision is really the “how” of your painting. Like other important choices in your Paintru journey – We are here every step of the way.

To help you with this part of the process, we are going to meet each artistic style and get to know them just a little bit better! Interested in a complete guide on each artistic movement? We’ve got you – Check it out here.

Meet the Impressionist Style!


  • Thin, visible brushstrokes
  • Lighting is everything
  • Great for landscapes

When we think impressionist style, we think of creative liberty for our artists. The focus for this style of painting is less about perfect lines and realistic features and is much more about capturing a mood or feeling.

When we envision an artist painting in this style, we imagine their hand and paintbrush moving freely across the canvas as they transform your photo into a stunning work of art.

Impressionist style best suits landscapes and other sweeping scenes. Check out a couple of our favorite impressionist style commissions below to see what we mean. 

Exploring Artistic StylesUnveiling Your Artistic PreferenceDecoding Your Artistic Taste

Say hey to Watercolor Style!


  • Smooth finish
  • Light and airy
  • Transparent paint qualities

Watercolor is exactly as the name implies. Paint pigment combined with water and applied to and absorbed by paper. This style is incredibly creative as the movement of the watercolor when it meets paper.

We have seen all sorts of different photos turned into marvelous paintings with this style, paintings where exact details and line definition are not as important as capturing and evoking an emotion.

Don’t take our word for it – Check out some of our favorite watercolor paintings.

Finding Your Artistic Fit

Identifying Your Artistic IdentityYour Artistic Journey

Hello to the Renoir Style!


  • Rich and sparkling color
  • Intense richness
  • Deep warmth

Inspired by the famous impressionist, the Renoir style is the best of both worlds as the strong color palette evokes emotion while those same colors are used to accurately depict your photo.

We think our complete guide describes this perfectly: “Renoir’s sensitive portrayal of emotion through color and brushstrokes means that an emulation of his style will give you a masterpiece that appeases both the eye and the heart.”

See if this style speaks to you in the below commissions.

Defining Your Artistic FlavorExploring Artistic ExpressionsStyle Matches #tru2u

Hello to the Heavy Palette Oil Style!


  • Bold texture
  • Visible, vibrant paint strokes
  • Filled with emotion

The best way to understand this style is to understand the tool used to create it – a palette knife! The effect of the palette knife is seen in the thickness of the paint applied, creating a three-dimensional effect on the canvas.

We have seen this technique used to create subtle texture as well as vibrant ridges and valleys. The choice is completely up to you! With palette knife in hand, the focus of this style is not in exact details and more so on how the light reflects off the paint.

See what we mean in some of our favorite paintings in this style!

Navigating Artistic Paths

Discovering Artistic FlairUnraveling Your Artistic Aura

Say hey to the Monet!


  • Rapid, visible brushstrokes
  • Acute awareness of lighting
  • Calm and clear atmosphere

Inspired by the great Monet, this style is classic and timeless. We think it works best on landscapes as the style induces an immediate soothing effect.

Perfect for vacation snaps – this style takes you back to your vacation moment in appearance, but also by bringing those feelings of relaxation right back to the surface.

Check out some of our favorite, super-classic, Monet-inspired pieces including this classical reproduction!

Embarking on Your Artistic QuestEmbracing Artistic Diversity

Greetings to the General Artistic Style!


  • Perfect for the undecided
  • Color match
  • Rich texture for oil-painting

Feeling overwhelmed by the variety of styles? We know, it can be a lot to take in. That’s why we also include the general artistic style. This choice is perfect if you are feeling undecided.

This style allows the artist creative freedom to interpret and transform your painting, while also promising accuracy to color and shapes.

If you prefer to not choose a style, the general artistic style will be used as a default.

Check out the general artistic style commissions below!

Unlocking Your Artistic Preferencelluminating Your Artistic VisionEmbodying Your Artistic Essence

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

When it comes to your Paintru journey, ultimately we want your commissioned piece to be #tru2u. That’s why we offer a variety of different artistic styles to choose from and can even work with you to combine multiple styles.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Team if you need help deciding or just want a second opinion. We happen to have an eye for what will work best with your photo.

We love how there are so many ways to be creative when it comes to artistic style!

Get started on your painting today! >