Mastering Art Styles: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Style for Your Custom Painting

Posted by Benjamin Strusnik on

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Abigail Pfriem

Art is a form of human expression that has been around for centuries. Artistic styles have evolved over time and have been influenced by various factors, including social and cultural changes, technological advancements, and individual artists' preferences. Today, we have a vast range of artistic styles to choose from, each with its unique characteristics and techniques. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular art styles and how you can choose the right style for your custom painting.

Photorealistic Art Style

Photorealistic art is an art style that aims to replicate real-life objects or scenes as closely as possible. This style is achieved through the use of detailed and precise brushstrokes, high contrast, and vivid colors. Photorealistic paintings often require a lot of time and skill to create, as the artist needs to capture even the most minute details. The result is a painting that is incredibly lifelike and can often be mistaken for a photograph.

One of the most famous photorealistic artists is Chuck Close. Close's hyper-realistic portraits are a prime example of the style. His paintings often depict faces in extreme close-up, showcasing every pore, wrinkle, and blemish.

When choosing a photorealistic art style for your custom painting, consider the subject matter. Photorealistic paintings work best when the subject matter is something that can be depicted accurately, such as landscapes, still-life objects, or portraits.

Selecting the Ideal Art Style for Your Custom Painting

Impressionism Art Style

Impressionism is an art style that originated in France in the 19th century. This style focuses on capturing the impression of a moment rather than a realistic representation of it. Impressionist paintings often feature bright colors, loose brushstrokes, and a focus on light and atmosphere.

One of the most famous impressionist artists is Claude Monet. Monet's paintings are known for their use of color and light to create a sense of atmosphere. His ""Water Lilies"" series is a prime example of the impressionist style, with its focus on color and light over a realistic depiction of the scene.

When choosing an impressionist art style for your custom painting, consider the mood and atmosphere you want to convey. Impressionist paintings work well when you want to capture the feeling of a moment, such as a sunrise or a summer day.

A Manual for Choosing the Right Artistic Style for Your Custom Painting

Monet Art Style

Monet was a prominent figure in the impressionist movement and developed his unique style, which became known as the ""Monet Style."" His paintings are characterized by their bright colors, loose brushstrokes, and focus on light and atmosphere. Monet's works often depict landscapes, gardens, and water scenes.

One of Monet's most famous paintings is ""Impression, Sunrise,"" which depicts the sun rising over a harbor in Le Havre, France. The painting is known for its use of color and light to create a sense of atmosphere, and it helped to define the impressionist style.

When choosing a Monet-style art for your custom painting, consider the subject matter. Monet's paintings often depict natural scenes, such as gardens and water scenes, and work well when you want to create a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

Tips for Finding the Perfect Artistic Style for Your Custom Painting

Watercolor Art Style

Watercolor is a painting technique that uses water-soluble pigments to create a translucent effect. This technique is often used for creating landscapes, still-life objects, and portraits. Watercolor paintings are known for their soft, delicate tones and flowing lines.

One of the most famous watercolor artists is Winslow Homer. Homer's paintings often depict seascapes, landscapes, and everyday life scenes, and his use of color and light creates a sense of tranquility and peace.

When choosing a watercolor art style for your custom painting, consider the subject matter and the mood you want to convey. Watercolor paintings work well when you want to create a soft, delicate atmosphere, such as a sunset or a serene landscape.

A Handbook for Selecting the Ideal Art Style for Your Custom Painting

Watercolor Illustration Art Style

Watercolor illustration is an art style that combines traditional watercolor painting techniques with the precision and detail of illustration. Watercolor illustrations often depict animals, botanicals, and other natural subjects, and the style is known for its whimsical, imaginative quality.

One of the most famous watercolor illustrators is Beatrix Potter, who is known for her charming illustrations of animals, including Peter Rabbit and his friends. Potter's use of watercolor techniques creates a soft, gentle atmosphere that perfectly complements her imaginative storytelling.

When choosing a watercolor illustration art style for your custom painting, consider the subject matter and the mood you want to convey. Watercolor illustrations work well when you want to create a playful, whimsical atmosphere, such as a children's book illustration or a nursery mural.

Exploring Artistic Style for Your Custom Painting

Heavy Texture Art Style

Heavy texture is an art style that uses thick layers of paint or other materials to create a three-dimensional effect on the canvas. This style is often used for abstract or expressionist paintings, and the texture can create a sense of depth and movement.

One of the most famous heavy texture artists is Vincent van Gogh, who used thick layers of paint to create his iconic swirling starry night sky. The texture in his paintings creates a sense of movement and emotion that perfectly captures the intensity of his subject matter.

When choosing a heavy texture art style for your custom painting, consider the subject matter and the mood you want to convey. Heavy texture paintings work well when you want to create a sense of depth and movement, such as an abstract landscape or an emotional portrait.

Strategies for Choosing the Perfect Art Style for Your Custom Painting

Abstract Art Style

Abstract art is an art style that does not depict recognizable objects or scenes but instead focuses on color, shape, and texture to create an emotional response in the viewer. Abstract paintings often use bold, vibrant colors and sweeping brushstrokes to create a sense of movement and energy.

One of the most famous abstract artists is Wassily Kandinsky, who believed that art could evoke emotions without the need for recognizable objects or scenes. His paintings often feature bold, bright colors and geometric shapes, and the energy in his work creates a sense of movement and vitality.

When choosing an abstract art style for your custom painting, consider the mood and emotions you want to convey. Abstract paintings work well when you want to create a sense of energy and movement, such as in a modern living room or office space.

Pop-Art Art Style

Pop art is an art style that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, and it often features images from popular culture, such as advertisements, comic books, and celebrities. Pop art is known for its bright colors, bold outlines, and repetition of images.

One of the most famous pop art artists is Andy Warhol, who used repetition and bold colors to transform everyday objects and celebrities into icons. His ""Campbell's Soup Cans"" painting is a prime example of the pop art style, with its bright colors and repetition of the iconic soup can.

When choosing a pop art style for your custom painting, consider the subject matter and the mood you want to convey. Pop art works well when you want to create a playful and lighthearted atmosphere, such as in a modern living room or a pop-up shop.

Choosing the Right Art Style for Your Custom Painting

Choosing the right art style for your custom painting can be challenging, but it's essential to consider the subject matter, the mood you want to convey, and your personal preferences. Here are some tips to help you choose the right art style for your custom painting:

Consider the Subject Matter: Some art styles work better for certain subjects than others. For example, photorealistic paintings work well for portraits and still lifes, while abstract paintings work well for landscapes and nature scenes.

Consider the Mood: Think about the emotions and atmosphere you want to convey in your painting. Do you want to create a sense of calm and serenity, or do you want to evoke excitement and energy? Choose an art style that reflects the mood you want to convey.

Consider Personal Preferences: Ultimately, the art style you choose should reflect your personal preferences and taste. Choose an art style that resonates with you and that you will enjoy looking at for years to come.

Collaborate with Your Artist: If you are working with a professional artist to create your custom painting, don't be afraid to collaborate with them to choose the right art style. Your artist can offer valuable insight and suggestions based on their experience and expertise.


Choosing the right art style for your custom painting can be a fun and creative process. Whether you prefer photorealistic paintings or abstract art, there is an art style that will perfectly capture your vision and emotions. Consider the subject matter, the mood, and your personal preferences when choosing an art style, and collaborate with your artist to create a truly unique and meaningful piece of art.