Paintru Custom Pet Portraits Featured in Buzzfeed!

Posted by Benjamin Strusnik on

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Abigail Pfriem

Last week, Paintru was featured in Buzzfeed’s 28 Products That’ll Do Jobs You Didn’t Know Needed to Be Done”! Mallory Mower, the Buzzfeed staff writer, submitted a photo of her cat, Blair a couple of weeks ago and was thrilled with the result. We are excited and grateful to be featured in Buzzfeed’s 28 Products post!

Paintru Pet Portraits Buzzfeed Feature

Our pets are an integral part of our lives, providing comfort, companionship, and love regardless of what else is going on in our world. That’s why we take painting their likenesses so seriously – we’re pet owners ourselves after all!

We love spoiling our furry children as much as Mallory and we hope she enjoys this priceless piece of art for many years to come.

In honor of Mallory’s order, we took a look at some famous art throughout time that commemorates famous pets and their owners, as well as showing off some of our own work commemorating our own pets!

honor of Mallory

This mosaic graced the walls of The House of the Tragic Poet in the Roman town of Pompeii before its destruction in 79AD by the eruption of the Mount Vesuvius volcano. The text below the mosaic reads, “Beware of the Canine”, but many researchers believe this mosaic was simply an alert to visitors that the house was home to a four-legged companion.

The House of the Tragic Poet

C.M. Coolidge’s iconic painting hits close to home for us. As pet enthusiasts, we know that animals are capable of a wide array of emotions and seeing these pups playing a game of cards emotionally exemplifies that feeling. Our artists are able to capture your pet’s emotional range and immortalize it in art.

Buzzfeed Article Highlights Paintru

Don’t think we forgot about the feline fanatics among us. Marguerite Gerard’s “The Cat’s Lunch” feels like an ode to our devotion to our cats. The visual image of a woman doting on her feline companion by taking the time to hand feed the kitty feels very apropos.

Paintru Pet Portraits

Of course, we have to post some photos of our favorite Paintru pet portraits - our own furry friends. Below are Atticus, Link, and Vivienne. We love the way our artists were able to capture each of their unique personalities.

Buzzfeed Showcases Paintru's Custom Pet Portraits

 Atticus - 7 year old, male, russian blue. He's a little bit less playful, but a significant mama's boy. I love the way the artist captured how the hair on his face falls - it is a unique part of him that evokes emotion every time we see it on the wall!

This little guy is devilishly handsome and the way the artist captured his eyes is perfect! The artist even managed to get the iris pattern right - they came out as beautiful in the artwork as they are in real life.

Buzzfeed Showcases Paintru's Custom Pet Portraits

Link - 6 year old, male, tabby mix. Don't let his angelic look fool you, this boy is a rascal! He's a little bit of a trouble maker around the house with the other cats, but Link is extremely polite and curious. 

What I love about this painting is that the artist captured his curious nature. You can tell immediately when you see the painting that Link is investigating something!


Custom Pet Portraits by Paintru

Vivienne - 6 year old female, domestic short-hair. She's an angel and spends as much time in the sunlight as possible. 









Check out our pets gallery for more (adorable) paintings we've commissioned for customers.

Feel free to send us your favorite furry friends to and click the link below to get started on your custom Paintru pet portrait!