Your Inspiration Photo: 5 Tips for Choosing 'The One'

Posted by Benjamin Strusnik on

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Abigail Pfriem

Modern technology makes it so that we are never lacking in quantity. Never thinking, “If only I could take a photo of this.” Never wondering, “How did I miss that moment?” As a result, our thumb aches, as we scroll and scroll and scroll.

Here at Paintru, we ask what feels like an increasingly impossible task as the first step in our process. We ask you to – “Upload Your Image.” We don’t ask you to upload your “ImageS,” or “Album,” or an entire photo montage of the previous year. 

With each photo on your camera roll calling out, “Pick me! Pick me!” Choosing “The One” can sometimes feel overwhelming. To assist you in making this decision – we wanted to offer five tips to make it a bit easier!

5 Helpful Tips Inspiration Photo

1 – Set out with purpose! 

You know you want to have a wonderful moment transformed into a work of art with us. You have a place on your wall picked out and everything! There is only one problem – you don’t have a photo that inspires you! 

Determined to make your dream of a gorgeous, commissioned piece come true, you set out with the expressed purpose of capturing the perfect shot! Maybe you schedule a professional photo shoot or confidently grab your own camera! 

Venturing out on your own? We have some super helpful tips – check them out here and here!

5 Key Considerations Inspirational Photo

2 – Narrow it down!

If you already have lots of photos to choose from – the next step is to narrow it down! Start big and slowly work your way in. Maybe you have an anniversary gift in mind for your spouse. A wedding photo? Sounds easy enough! Only you have hundreds to choose from…

Deep breath! While you know you want a wedding photo – you can choose one from the ceremony, your first dance, cutting the cake, the family photo, your “first look,” getting ready, the list goes on and on. As you click through all your options, which part of the day strikes you most?

Your formal photos nearly have you in tears… and you have your answer! As you look at the photos from this incredible moment, one, in particular, stands out to you! Phew!!!

5 Tips to Guide You Inspiration Photo

3 – Pay attention to the details!

Still, trying to narrow it down? Sometimes paying a little bit closer attention to the details in your photos will help you settle on your inspiration photo.

How is the lighting? Higher lighting is best for Paintru masterpieces – this lighting creates fewer shadows while also highlighting facial features and other details.

What is the quality? High-quality photos are preferred for your work of art. Not sure of the quality? You can do a quick “zoom-in” test. If you zoom in on your photo – can you make out the details or is everything blurry? If you can’t see the details, neither can our artists.

We are happy to work with lower-quality photos, but will ask you to provide additional reference photos. 

5 Tips to Guide You Selecting Your Inspiration Photo

4 – Ask yourself!

Now that you have narrowed down your focus and have chosen “The One.” You can ask yourself one simple question to feel confident in your decision – “Is this photo #tru2u?” Is it tru to your inspiration? Is it tru to the moment?

If the answer to these questions is a resounding, “Yes!” Then you have truly found “The One.” With feelings this strong about the photo itself, just wait, your feelings will increase tenfold at the sight of your commissioned artwork!

5 Tips to Get Started Discovering Your Inspiration Photo

5 - Just say the word!

The last thing we want is for you to struggle for hours hemming and hawing over the best photo to use. If you still have questions or are uncertain about the photo you have chosen – please ask!! We are happy to help!! We have an eye for the photos that are going to be best suited for gorgeous works of art!

“The One”

Though technology has provided an infinite number of photos to choose from, we think of it less as saying “no” to so many wonderful photos and “yes” to “The One.” The one that is plucked from obscurity and turned into a marvelous, commissioned work of art. The one that gets the special treatment. The one that is transformed into a lasting memory.

For each beautiful painting – there is “The One.” But that doesn’t mean you can only have one painting! Come back and see us again, when you are ready to have another “One.”

Choose "The One" and get started!!