The Paintry Journal

House Beautiful - Meet the New Direct-to-Consumer Company That Makes it Easy to Commission Art
June 20, 2024, 01:41:20 PM
Let's say you want to hire an artist to do a custom painting. What are your options? Well, you could peruse local galleries until you find an artist you like, get in touch to see if they accept commissions, and hope that the price is somewhat within your budget. Or you could head to Etsy, where it's easy to see the artists' work and the and pricing is more or less upfront—you just might have to sift through a few thousand listings. (145,365 to be exact, if you search for "custom painting.")
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Abigail Ross

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Elevating Real Estate Relationships: The Art of Choosing Paintru for Closing Gifts
May 22, 2024, 11:21:30 AM
Realtors seeking a unique closing gift can ditch the generic options and turn to Paintru for personalized keepsakes. Our custom hand-painted portraits capture the essence of a client's journey, from the excitement of a first home to the nostalgia of a farewell. Realtors can personalize the artwork, ensure high quality, and create a lasting reminder of their role in a client's milestone. This thoughtful gesture sets them apart, promotes branding, and sparks conversations, ultimately generating positive word-of-mouth and new business. Paintru empowers realtors to leave a lasting impression with a closing gift as unique as their clients themselves.
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Abigail Ross

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Elevate Your Space with A Custom House Paintings from Paintru
May 07, 2024, 05:17:56 AM

Our homes hold a special place in our hearts, representing our personal journeys, cherished memories, and the essence of who we are. When it's time to say goodbye to a beloved childhood home or bid farewell to a house recently sold, the emotions can be bittersweet. Paintru offers a unique opportunity to remember these significant places by transforming house photos into custom hand-painted masterpieces. In this blog post, we will explore the heartfelt benefits of having your house photos hand-painted by our artists and explore how this process can evoke profound meaning for homeowners facing such transitions.

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Abigail Ross

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Eleva tu Espacio con una Pintura Personalizada de Paintru
May 07, 2024, 05:15:58 AM

Nuestros hogares ocupan un lugar especial en nuestros corazones, representando nuestros recorridos personales, memorias entrañables y la esencia de quienes somos. Cuando llega el momento de despedirnos de un querido hogar de la infancia o decir adiós a una casa recientemente vendida, las emociones pueden ser agridulces. Paintru ofrece una oportunidad única para recordar estos lugares significativos, transformando fotos de casas en obras maestras pintadas a mano y personalizadas. En esta publicación del blog, exploraremos los conmovedores beneficios de tener tus fotos de casa pintadas a mano por nuestros artistas, y veremos cómo este proceso puede evocar un significado profundo para los propietarios que enfrentan tales transiciones.

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Abigail Ross

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