The Paintry Journal

House Beautiful - Meet the New Direct-to-Consumer Company That Makes it Easy to Commission Art
June 20, 2024, 01:41:20 PM
Let's say you want to hire an artist to do a custom painting. What are your options? Well, you could peruse local galleries until you find an artist you like, get in touch to see if they accept commissions, and hope that the price is somewhat within your budget. Or you could head to Etsy, where it's easy to see the artists' work and the and pricing is more or less upfront—you just might have to sift through a few thousand listings. (145,365 to be exact, if you search for "custom painting.")
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Abigail Ross

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Ways to Spark Your Interior Decor Creativity
May 07, 2024, 09:31:02 AM

With the amount of time we spend at home, it should be a sanctuary. The decor and comfort of your home truly makes a HUGE difference in it's energy and feel! We know it's a little daunting to figure out exactly what to do with it, and it's a bit easy to get stuck in a rut.

Author Image

Abigail Ross

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